Revive your
body mind spirit self life with floating.
You won’t be fighting gravity. 550 kg of Epsom salt in the water allows you to float effortlessly while you lie on your back. The water is kept at 37 degrees (around body temperature), which means you lose track of where your body ends, and the water begins. Your ears stay below the water, and the tanks are insulated against sound and you have the option to wear ear plugs. Noise from the outside doesn’t reach you.
After you shut the door, you float in total darkness.
If you are anxious about your first time, you have the option to keep the door open or to keep the lights on as well as you settle in and get used to the experience.
For an hour, the outside world is gone, and amazing things happen.
When you’re not fighting gravity or constantly taking in information, your body and mind have a lot of extra resources at their disposal. Your mind can process without distraction or simply rest, your brain pumps out dopamine and endorphins, and your body gets to rest, de-stress, and heal. It’s likely to be the most relaxing thing you’ve ever experienced.

Get 3 floats for only £99, earn a bonus 4th float!
Stress & Pain Relief
Stress and pain relief are two of the most reported benefits.
Accelerated Healing
Free of external stimuli, the body heals faster.
Enhanced Performance
Floating improves physical and mental performance.
Improved Sleep
Floating improves your sleep quality and has been shown to reduce insomnia.
Deep Relaxation
The unique environment of sensory deprivation allows you to relax on deeper levels than you ever have before!
Pregnant floaters escape the pains of gravity and enjoy deep revitalization.
Super Learning
Floating helps you process and retain information with greater efficiency.
Improve Mental Health
Studies are showing that floating can have a significant impact for anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental health conditions.
All float sessions are 60 minutes in length
We recommend 3 floats within 30 days to experience the full benefits. Plus, the longer you float, the better the experience. All floats are 60 minutes and can at times be extended to 90 minutes to provide more time for you to achieve and maintain the Theta brainwaves.

Most Advanced Float Tank In The UK
- 100% of water filtered between every float
- Advanced filtration system
- Crystal clear solution
- 1-micron filter (no particles)
- UV Sanitation
- Optional lights or music inspired by nature
- Grab handles + ultra-wide power-assisted door
- Large tanks fit people up to 7 feet 4 inches
The best way to get started is with 3 floats
We recommend floating at least 3 times as your body and mind is learning to relax in a new environment. That's why our Intro 3 Pack is the best way to get started, plus you qualify for a bonus float if completed within 30 days.
Single Float
£ 49
Float- 1 x 60 Minute Float
Additional Floats are £35Share with friends + familyFree upgrade to 90 min.Earn float credit for referralsExclusive perks + benefits
Intro 3 Pack🎁 Earn A Bonus Float
£ 99
New Customers Only!- 3 x 60 Minute Floats
- Earn a 4th bonus float
Additional Floats are £35Share with friends + familyFree upgrade to 90 min.Earn float credit for referralsExclusive perks + benefits
£ 40
Month- 1 x 60 Minute Float
- Additional Floats are £35
- Share with friends + family
- Free upgrade to 90 min.
- Earn float credit for referrals
- Exclusive perks + benefits
Get Your 5-Star Experience, Just Like Them
Frequently Asked Questions
How are the tanks kept clean?
Our tanks are among the most hygienic systems available. The highly sterile salt water is 100% filtered between floats, as our tanks empty and refill for each float. A small amount of steriliser is added and the water is also sanitised with UV light.
What if I’m claustrophobic?
People with claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating. Our float tanks are very spacious compared to most and can fit someone up to 7 feet and inches. Besides that, while floating, you feel more like floating in outer space than in a room. You’re always in control of your environment, and you can get out anytime.
Can I drown if I fall asleep?
Nope. Some people fall asleep, but the water is so buoyant you stay afloat. The worst that can happen is getting woken up by a bit of salt water in your eyes.
Do I need to bring anything?
Nope, just yourself. If you wear contact lenses, you should bring a case for them. Towels, earplugs, and everything else you need are provided.
What science or research has been done on floatation therapy?
Floating has been around for over 60 years, and continues to have published peer reviewed papers, presentations and news related to float therapy.
Is there anything I need to do before I float?
On the day of, we recommend that you are hydrated (but not too much) and have a light meal about 1.5 hours before your float session. Try to avoid any caffeine beforehand to make it easier for you to relax and reach deeper levels of rest.
We require that all floaters shower before entering the tank. Our showers are quite an experience, so this is more of a perk than a chore. We use organic shampoos, filtered water AND wash our towel with organic detergents. After your shower, you put on your ear plugs and enter your session.
Do I need a bathing suit?
Floating naked is the best way to float, but if you’d prefer to float in a bathing suit, we won’t stop you.
Can more than one person float in a tank at a time?
One person per tank please. Though double wide tanks do exist, we think it takes away from the experience. Floating is one of those few times where more is not merrier.
Can I float if I colour my hair?
We recommend allowing two weeks after colouring your hair to float. If you use hair straightening treatments with keratin, floating is not recommended, as the salt will disrupt the hair treatment.